Training Trails Jun 2024


Cub Scout Leader Training Update

Cub Scout leader training has been updated on to match the updated Cub Scouting program. The syllabus for in-person training is scheduled to be released August 1. Cub Scout volunteers who completed training before these updates, do not have to retake training, but Scouting U encourages Cub Scouters to retake these key modules:

Den Leader & Assistant

Cubmaster & Assistant

Pack Committee


Pack Committee




Cub Scout Uniforms

Cub Scout Uniforms



Pack Structure

Pack Structure

Cub Scout Uniforms

Cub Scout Uniforms


Annual Program

Conducting a Den Meeting

Conducting a Pack Meeting



Denners and Den Chiefs

Denners and Den Chiefs




Den Leader Training Award

The progress record for the Den Leader Training Award has been updated to include program updates and Arrow of Light den leaders (

[Thanks to Mark Griffin for these updates]

Training of the Month

Following up from last month, the Unit Scouter Reserve (code 91U) position does not require any training aside from Youth Protection Training. If you are registering an adult that occasional stays overnight with the scout unit, the Unit Scouter Reserve (code 91U) position is an excellent option.

Hazardous Weather Training is required every two years for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters. If the training is not renewed within that time, the leader will no longer be considered to be trained. Make sure your email is correct in to ensure that you get reminders that your Hazardous Weather Training will expire soon. The on-line training takes 28 minutes.

Steps to Complete Online Training for Troop Committee Members

  1. Go to and log in. Create an account if needed
  2. Click on “My Training” icon (left side of 2nd row at top)
  3. Under “Training Courses by Program”, select “Scouts BSA”
  4. Under “Scouts BSA Learning Plans – Select your Positions”, select “Troop Committee” – (note that the total training time is 102 minutes, or an hour and 42 minutes. Also, your progress as a percentage is shown)
  5. The modules, shown below with title and duration, are completed one at a time. Schedule taking the modules so that it doesn’t take too much of you time on a given day, but that it doesn’t take forever to complete the modules. If you want to spend about 20 minutes per day, the modules could be taken as follows:

Before the first meeting:

SCO_481 SCOUTING ORGANIZATION                                       12:00    Day 1

SCO_472 AIMS & METHODS OF SCOUTS BSA                            8:30    Day 1

SCO_482 TROOP COMMITTEE                                                    14:00    Day 2

Position Trained

SCO_476  OUTDOOR PROGRAMS                                              10:00    Day 3

SCO_471  ADVANCEMENT                                                           10:00    Day 3

SCO_485  SCOUTS BSA UNIFORMS                                             11:30    Day 4

SCO_473  ANNUAL TROOP PROGRAM PLANNING                     14:00    Day 4

SCO_474  INTRODUCTION TO MERIT BADGES                              8:00    Day 5

SCO_530  JOURNEY TO EXCELLENCE                                           13:00    Day 5

This training can also be provided in a classroom setting, if there is sufficient interest. Please let your council training chair know if you would rather get trained in a classroom setting than taking online modules.

Council Training Calendar

Have a great summer!

In The Works (If you plan it, they will come)

Wood Badge Schedule Options –A Wood Badge course hosted by the Pacific Harbors Council will be held on August 13-17, 2025 (Wednesday through Sunday) at Camp Thunderbird [near Olympia WA].  Ron Francis is the contact at (253) 441-5096.

Trainer’s EDGE training to be held in September – The Trainer’s EDGE course involves instruction, and more importantly, the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on impromptu and prepared presentations. As scouters we routinely make presentations to scouts, scout families, and or other scouters, to improving our presentation skills helps the program to improve. If you are interested in taking the course or staffing the course, please let your council training chair know. The flyer will be out soon.

Help Wanted (It’s fun and rewarding to get involved with training!)

Trainers Needed for BALOO and IOLS Training Teams – Only 1 trainer is required for each course, but it is way more fun if a team (3 to 5 Scouters) supports each course. Having a team also means that if a trainer has a conflict, the others can fill in. New trainers may only lead one session during the course, or more sessions if they feel up to it. Please let your council training chair know if you are interested. Being a trainer continues the learning experience in an accelerated way.

New trainers can be trained through the Fundamentals of Training and the Trainer’s EDGE courses.

Lies, Darn Lies, and Statistics (How are we doin’?)

Automobile accidents are most likely on the drive home from a campout – be aware.

How does the training status for the Blue Mountain Council compare to the other 14 councils in the Council Service Territory CST-1?

  • 13 out of 15 councils for position-specific training
  • 12 out of 15 councils for Youth Protection Training

Can we improve to the average level or higher?

Program Livecasts

Links can be found in Facebook (Scouting magazine | Facebook) and on YouTube (Scouting Magazine – YouTube). Recent topics include:

#CubChatLive! – Fridays at noon Pacific Time – Recent topics:

  • June 21 – “What are Cub Scout families looking for? Let’s look at the research”
  • June 14 – “Updates to Cub Scout Leader Training Modules”
  • June 7 – “Safety Integration in the Updated Cub Scout Program”
  • May 31 – “Celebrate the Launch of the Cub Scout Program Updates!”

#TroopTalkLive – 2nd Wednesdays of the month, noon Pacific Time

  • June 12 – “How to Spread the Word that Girls Can Join Scouting America”
  • May 8 – “Philmont Training Center’s Opening Doors Course is About Eliminating Barriers to Joining Scouting”
  • April 10 – “Prepare Youth to Lead with Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) training”
  • March 13 – “How Will Scouts BSA Troops be Affected by the Cub Scout Program Updates?”

Trek on Tuesday – Tuesdays at noon Pacific Time

  • June 18 – “How to Buy Snorkeling Gear for an Underwater Adventure”
  • June 11 – “Let’s Talk with Last Year’s Winner of the #HelmetHairDontCare Giveaway!”
  • June 4 – “Let’s Read ‘Wild Horses’ from the Summer Issue of Scout Life”
  • May 21 – “Cool News About the Next National Scout Jamboree, Plus We’re Giving Away Merch!”

Leading Our Adventures Podcast – Every other Friday at 3 pm Pacific Time

  • June 14 – “Episode 14 – Venturing & Cub Scouts”
  • May 31 – “Episode 13 – Exploring the Order of the Arrow with National Vice Chief”


Council Training Chair: Brad Ross

Your Feedback:

Please submit your pithy comments to your council training chair (see email address above), either for his eyes only or for the readers of this publication to see. If your comments are useful (and entertaining?), you’ll see them in a future Training Trails blog. We welcome your ideas to help improve the training in our council. Many thanks!